
Spring selection varies car to car and on your unique needs. Try experimenting with what is better for you. In a car dancer use shorter coils to give the car more maneuverability. In a hopper use stiff springs in the rear and full coils up front. Below are some variables to consider before purchasing coils.

Above: Cheap Pre cut coil next to set of full stack 4.5 Ton coils.



Deciding Sitting Low Vs. Hopping

Before buying any springs determine what is most important to you and your build. You have three purchase options:

1.) Pre Cut Coils

2.) Full Stacks

3.) Cut Coils

Pre cut coils are the best option for riders that want to sit low. Sitting low does have it's own trade off as there will be less turns of a coil for impressive hopping action. Full Stacks are typically stuffed into cars for hopping but the car will not sit low at all. Cut coils will allow you to set your own ride height and allow better hopping action than pre cut coils.



Above: Generic 3.75 Ton coils next to set of full stack 5 Ton coils.



What Tonnage Coil To Choose

If you are looking for a better quality ride 1 or 2 ton pre cut coils are a good choice especially in the rear of a car. Since these springs are not very heavy duty they will be more likely to settle causing the car to sit lower over time. When choosing hopping coils you should take into account certain factors such as V6 engine or V8 engine and how reinforced your frame is.



Above: Generic full stack 3.75 Ton coils.



Cheap Coils Vs. Quality Coils

Always try to get the best coils available. Some springs sold on sites like eBay are of inferior quality and may settle more than you expect especially if you are hopping on them. Good quality spring also may fit tight around your front cups. This tight fit ensures the cups aren't moving within the coils causing loss of energy when hopping.



Above: Showing different cup choices with pre cut and cut coils.



Cutting Coils Vs Pre Cuts

Pre cut coils are the best option for street cars looking to lay low. Pre cut coils are typically flat on both sides so they will seat in well. Some people looking to hop will be looking for more turns of coil than the typical pre cut but don't want to run full stack coils. If you do cut your coils it's more ideal to cut them with a cut off wheel vs a torch. The heat of a torch will make changes to the metal of the coil softening them up which is bad for hopping. Always face the cut end of the springs down when installing them.



Pre Press Coils Or Not?

If you have a safe jig to pre press the coils we recommend doing so. This can be dangerous so we recommend exercising extreme caution when doing this. The springs should be contained in a safe jig. Never ever but the coils in a press as they could shoot out. Pre pressed coils take the guess work out of where to cut the spring without having to compensate for coils settling in. Sometimes pre pressed coils are the only way to get full stack coils in some cars.



Above: Don't use pre cuts in a hopper, especially cheap ones! Lesson learned.


Coil Tips

- You can break in full stacks without hydraulic cylinder and cup installed to give you more room. You can let it sit under the weight of the car for some time or if you wish to speed up the process "hand hop" the car with the help of some friends.

- When cutting springs make sure to leave more coil than you think you will need. The springs will settle over time.

- Deep front cups are helpful for allowing you to fit more coil into the car. Once the springs settle you can use normal cups if you wish.

- If your spring seller offers the service to pre press your coils we would recommend it to save headaches especially when trying to figure out where to cut coils.

- Avoid heat when cutting coils. If using a cutting wheel be sure to take breaks to let the coils cool off before you continue cutting.

- Remember that in hopping every turn you cut off a coil is a loss. In some situations a car won't fit full stacks so cutting off 1-2 turns may be ok.



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